About the Energy Healings


A centered life is a happy life!

How can the peaceful spirit of Zion heal you?

Seeing is believing, so follow me as I take you on a cave mining expedition, seeking the spiritual energies within your own inner self to bring to the surface. Then, radiate that gold out into the world!

How does reiki with Zion work?

Reiki assists us to purify blood, release toxins, relieve addictions, remove disease, break a pattern or cycle in your life, and so much more. Unlock your true potential to heal yourself with your very own life force energy.


Build your spiritual fortitude

Spiritual fortitude is an aptitude that some are born with, and others learn over time. Fortitude helps us to develop sufficient spiritual resources to grow in the face of life stressors. Reiki therapy allows us to reflect a spiritual depth and capacity for authentic spiritual engagement in the wake of hardship and trial.