-Reiki Healing 60 Min Session
-Afterlife/Transition Preparation- For Hospice Patients or those preparing for crossing over into the afterlife (healing ritual/ anointing which prepares the body energetically with frankincense,myrh, and spikenard)
- $95 per 75 min
Maternity Healing-
Pregnancy Blessing and healing for Moms to Be (helps prepare moms for delivery and gives light to both baby and mom)
- $95 per 75 min
Lower chakra Healing which releases stuck energies in the root and sacral chakras, realigns stagnant sexual energies/attachments and transmutes disempowering thoughts from the mind
60 min session
100 for 60 min
-Recovery Reiki
This session is designed to help heal substance abuse disorders and assist in spiritual renewal of those in recovery from drugs and alcohol
100 for 60 min
-Grief and Loss Clearing
This 60 min session is designed to help heal the heart strings of a mourning individual suffering loss of a family member or close friend.
-Cord Cutting/Soul Tie Release
-Soul Retrieval Healing (Soul loss will be evident in your auric field and usually is a result of a NDE. Soul loss is accompanied by cognitive impairment, thousand yard stare, mute, hearing loss/ringing and memory issues around the event
75 minute session
-Sacred Space Clearance, Haunted house clearing
-Distance Reiki Healing (by 1 hr ZOOM vid) and Energetic alignment
- $ 200 for 90min session
Couples Energetic Alignment- Assists marriage ties by strengthening your spiritual bond to partners. Great to help heal after a traumatic incident or breach of trust
- $ 200 for 90min session
-Achy Breaky Break-up Healing- Cut and Clear emotional cords after affairs of the heart (70 min in person session) With special attention to the higher heart energies and replenishing/refreshing that chakra
Want to be a Reiki Healer?
I also offer private attunements:
-Attunement to Reiki Energy Level 1 (includes alignment to the Holy Spirit/Atman/Higher Self) 150
Level 2 Attunement - 250
Reiki Master Attunment- 350