About the Healer
I am a Christian Reiki Healer. Yes!
In 2018, I experienced a profound and life changing event that most people consider “uncommon” at best. I was laying in my bed and I received some sort of angelic healing while I was in between awake and asleep. This experience was so positive and profound that my whole perspective on life changed. I felt energetically new again. It was incredible.
Since then, I have studied energetic healing in order to bring to others the wealth of wellness and healing that I found at that moment. My desire is to heal the entire world with the energy that can be accessed from the spiritual /etheric body. I have studied the etheric body in length and it is well documented that our astral selves and our ability to access that body can in fact heal our physical selves, simply by programing it to do so.
So, here I am! I am here to facilitate reiki energy as a channel of source energy. I seek to plant seeds and harvest spiritual goodness in others, and empower humans in the messianic era through the light and love of the divine. I also support the great spiritual awakening of our modern era, how can one not?
I wish to bring forward the innate spiritual gold that all humans have hiding underneath. I am a Judeo-Christian and heal with the light of Christ.
I am dedicated to shining all rust away from your weary soul. I have supernatural talents for understanding and healing others. I am a wealth of empathy, intuition, claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and love helping others rise to spiritual success.